By You For Us
4 min readJun 13, 2019


John Wingo

E-commerce & “Varnish Hosting”

Varnish Hosting at a glance Or Hosting 101

It is not a prediction that E-commerce today is growing and is showing no signs of slowing down — it is reality. Today’s monetary value of domestic v international is becoming more and more of a trend, which in return is more payment methods. In fact today’s users, suppliers, buyers & sellers are equipped with online shopping at the tip of their fingers. And due to the FINtech boom and the biggest Billion dollar real estate purchase, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google AKA FAANG and what better to influence and assist e-commerce than to help by bringing the right-sourcing with Varnishing Hosting. Varnishing Hosting offers a variety of award winning packages and deals that meets the needs of beginners, intermediate and high traffic, (High traffic, Low traffic and anything in between) company sites (e-commerce) that extend business services & products across the world. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is at the core of any good e — commerce business and should be treated as an opportunity for a new customer at every moment. “It is cheaper to keep an existing client than it is to bring on a new one”, which is why it is important to make sure your site is constantly running at a high performance to maintain customer quality. Today’s concerns of e — commerce are consistent with searches per minute, keywording, notoriety, sales, and SEO standing at the core and foundation of the. primary concerns of hosting with Varnishing Hosting standing at with different package solutions and tailoring options for Shared, Wordpress, VPS, Reseller Hosting and Domain hosting: prices are modest as low $3 per/month — $17 per/month and for the more experienced $99 per/month — $129 let’s take a look at the numbers. An article posted 2019. from in by Carolanne Mangles — Google stands at #1 top tier hosting company right now standing at 75% used GB. and 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.3 Trillion a year — stats from 2017.

What does Varnish Hosting due?

Varnishing Hosting is manage hosting. There are two different kinds of hosting services: hosted and managed. Hosted services provide the hardware, software and communications needed — as you administer your IT strategic plan. Managed services is hosted service with the administrative support. Varnishing Hosting provides both hosted and managed services however recommends that you have experience with administering your plan. This is important because Varnish Hosting aims to bring the highest success rate in customer satisfaction. Varnishing Hosting also runs on the preferred SSL that is recommended, with a benefit of free top of the line softwares and e — commerce hosting options for a better performance in high traffic sites. Just to name a few: Opencart, Magento, WooCommerce and 20 plus more to choose from, to meet your e — commerce needs. With Varnishing Hosting you will receive your ideal start to finish package of services ranging from Shared Hosting (e-commerce, business, wordpress), VPS Hosting( managed and unmanaged) all the way to Dedicated Hosting (servers, managed and unmanaged). Varnishing Hosting is the overall hosting solution to meet the needs of your website. With the products and services of Varnishing Host you can trust and feel that you are in good hands. Taking the time to interact with Varnishing Hosting site you are able to communicate with someone in minutes, which is important if you have questions or concerns.

What Varnish Hosting can due for your ecommerce?

Varnishing Hosting is more than your average HostGator — by matching your specific hosting needs with your specific service needs, Varnishing Hosting should be in your companies future. Varnishing Hosting can not only give your company the edge it needs in name recognition and branding but as well as target marketing. Target Marketing is important any any business. Weather your business be: electronics, Wiki, clothing, school supplies, mechanic supplies, necessities, furniture, WordPress, or anything else. Varnishing Hosting brings specific target marketing to bring your business to the forefront of users shoppers and buyers. Fulfilling the need of the customer should always be number one and with minimal reported traffic jams or crashes your e commerce is in good hands. No problem if you make, manufacture, wholesale, or dropship, Varnishing Hosting is their to bring your product forward and noticeable. Knowing that customer service success is at the top of Varnishing Hostings mission will also continue to bring your company good reviews; due to your fast operating cite. Varnishing Hosting also highlights their ability to operate 20X faster than other competitors, meaning that you will be ahead of your competition.

In Closing?

With today’s commerce continuing to grow and with 10 businesses being started every second and only 1 business surving in the long run, perhaps it is time for businesses to take an edge on the market. Todays e — commerce can easily have a list of 1k items in their store and roughly 3k users, with 15 GB of disk space. These numbers indicate traffic, data, and possible income. It would be silly to ignore target marketing. Target marketing today is what an ecommerce survives and thrives on. It is important to remember your 2:1 rule (double the GB for every GB that is used daily). Meaning if your company is using 15 GB you should have 30 GB so you can save you date on a backup hard drive.

Today’s monetary value of domestic versus international is becoming more and more of a trend, which in return is more payment methods. Payment methods are vital to the expansion of e-commerce and all of it’s goods. As of now Varnishing Hosting accepts all major forms of payments including paypal and 2 other forms that are innovative. In the future seeing what ecommerce spread and operate it will be interesting to see other companies jump on board in regards of innovation. The ability of domestic v. international transaction are not to be ignored and is something to keep in mind when moving forward in your ecommerce ventures.

Resource -Hosting. 1on 1

Resouce — — Company site

Resource — Shopify and foundations of set up to droship and ecommerce

Resource- — ?



By You For Us
By You For Us

Written by By You For Us

Columnist Black perspective in| Business| Crypto-Enthusiast|

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